Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated
MEDIA RELEASE – 24 November 2016

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• Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated is celebrating it’s 11th AGM Pā Sports at Splash Planet in Hastings this Saturday 26 November 2016.
• This whānau reunion has become one of New Zealand’s biggest AGM meetings with 5,000 plus attending.
• It’s proved so popular among iwi members that children who attended our first AGM Pā Sports in 2005 are now young parents bringing their children along to share these positive memories
• “Healthy Happy Whānau is our big driver for the future of our iwi”, says Chairman Ngahiwi Tomoana.
• “Our vision has always been to turn the impossible into reality”
• In 2000 we had one hundred members at our AGM, and today it’s thousands.
• “By discounting entry into Splash Planet’s theme park for our members is an instant benefit to them in their thousands”
• “This is a small step for us but in a larger scheme for the future we want to change the lives of our members for the better forever”
• “By Kahungunu, For Kahungunu, For Everyone, Forever”
Ngāti Kahungunu AGM Pā Sports Day
Saturday 26 November 2016