Council gives green light to library extension
Council gives green light to extension
Book worms can start counting down the days to get more facilities at the HB Williams Memorial library, because council awarded the construction contract and building can now commence.
Construction, which is set to begin in February will feature dedicated group learning spaces, quiet study rooms and multimedia viewing areas over the new spaces being built.
Council Chief Executive, Judy Campbell says "The library is already a much beloved asset to the community, the extension will only add to this."
HB Williams Memorial library to be constructed by Watts and Hughes LTD.
Council Chief Executive, Judy Campbell said, "Watts and Hughes bid utilised almost entirely local subcontractors and at the most competitive price, which really ticked all the boxes as far as procurement goes."
"We would like to clarify that Currie Construction submitted a competitive tender and was not 20% higher than Watts and Hughes price"
Council procurement process looks at several key factors when evaluating bids. Including local impact, price and experience these criteria are given a weighting on the overall bid.
"We have to be responsible both financially and socially when we award these contracts, so it’s a matter of striking a balance between the two." Said Ms Campbell.
In the case of the library extension, up to 85% of total work and materials will be done by locals.
Although the project will cost more than was initially budgeted for, there was a surplus in the maintenance and renewals budget to cover the cost.
After yesterday’s announcement, construction is due to begin in early February, with completion before 2018.
For more details on the library's new facilities you can see the final designs on our website.
The $6.88m library upgrade was made possible by the JN Williams family trust, Eastland Community Trust, Eastern and Central Community Trust, bequests from Stanley Green, Hannah Dunlop, Jessie Iris Jeffrey’s and contribution from Council.