Bring out your volunteers
Bring out your volunteers
Publicly thanking the amazing work that volunteers do across the Hastings district is a very important part of our culture, says Hastings mayor Lawrence Yule.
Nominations for the 2017 Civic Honours Awards opened this week.
The awards recognise individuals, groups and organisations which have voluntarily contributed significantly to Hastings in one of the following categories: Arts and Culture, Health and Welfare, Sport and Recreation, Education and Youth, New Volunteer and Youth Volunteer.
“It is very important that these efforts, which really do keep the wheels of our society running, are championed,” said Mr Yule. “These people dedicate a huge amount of time and energy to whichever area they work in; often at a cost to their own families.”
One of the difficult things about trying to celebrate the work of volunteers was that often they were very humble people who had difficulty accepting an award for what they saw as a normal part of contributing to society, he said.
“I would say that it is important to the wider community to know the causes that are out there that are so ably run by volunteers, from organisations like Meals on Wheels and local sports clubs, to groups going into schools to hear youngsters read and people running Scouts and Girl Guides.
There is almost a month in which to lodge nominations, and Mr Yule urged people to make the effort.
“If you know of someone who has given great service to the community, please put in a nomination. We need to hear about these people in order to recognise them with a Civic Honours Award.”
The nominations will be judged by the Council’s Civic Awards subcommittee before the presentations are made at a ceremony on the May 31.
Nominations close on February 24. Forms are available from the Hastings, Havelock North and Flaxmere libraries, from the Council’s Service Centre in Lyndon Road, or to download or complete a form online see: