Threatened Species Ambassadors meet at ZEALANDIA
Threatened Species Ambassadors meet at ZEALANDIA
Wednesday 8 February 2017

Wellington, NZ - Australian Threatened Species Commissioner Gregory Andrews met New Zealand's Threatened Species Ambassador Nicola Toki this morning at Wellington's Zealandia Ecosanctuary. It's the first visit to New Zealand by Andrews in his capacity as Australia's Threatened Species Commissioner.
New Zealand and Australia share issues and challenges with high rates of endemism (having species that are found nowhere else in the world) and species that face extremely high levels of threats including introduced mammalian predators.
Toki will be showcasing the conservation management work occurring in New Zealand during Andrews' visit, with the 225ha wildlife sanctuary an excellent example of what can be achieved.
Andrews has been impressed so far with with New Zealand's approach to threatened species and looks forward to taking ideas back across the Tasman.
Toki and Andrews will also be sharing ideas around predator control, including impacts of feral cats. The Australian government has a target of two million feral cats culled by 2020 and New Zealand has committed to a predator-free New Zealand by 2050.
Toki has reportedly told Andrews that he can keep possums, wallabies and Russell Crowe in Australia.