NZ Transport Agency update SH1 closure Kaikoura
Summary from the Transport Agency team working on State Highway 1 south of Kaikoura earlier today:
Yesterday at around 1.00pm there was a sizeable slip about 200 metres north of Rosy Morn (a stream, also the site of a large, September 2010 earthquake-generated slip) on SH1, just south of Peketa. The photo below is hard to see, but the hillside has essentially dropped onto the road – it is about 100 metres long. Today helicopters will be sluicing the slip higher up and once deemed safe, crews with trucks and diggers will start clearing the material. This is likely to be on Easter Monday. The road is likely to remain shut to the public for the next two days with updates on NZTA - traffic and travel pages
• People heading to and from Kaikoura should take the inland road via Culverden, Waiau and Mt Lyford which is open 24/7