Local businesses and international speaker raise funds
Local businesses and international speaker raise funds to support Rotorua’s Special Olympics athletes
You are invited to enjoy breakfast with Rotorua’s Special Olympics athletes and hear three-time Speaker of the Year Allie Mooney this Saturday at 9.30am at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology’s Mokoia Campus in Rotorua.
The event, hosted by Toi Ohomai and OneChance New Zealand, aims to raise much-needed funds for our 66 athletes and volunteers who will travel to Wellington in November to participate in the five-day Special Olympics New Zealand National Summer Games.
This year’s Olympics is bigger and more expensive than the last, and the athletes must each pay $300 to compete in sports such as ten-pin bowling, basketball, swimming, football or indoor bowls.
With 50 RSVPs already received for Saturday, Toi Ohomai is expecting a great crowd and vibrant atmosphere as they recognise our local athletes. The Sponsor a Special Olympics Athlete Campaign will be launched that morning to encourage funding support through bronze, silver or gold levels of sponsorship. Gold coin donations will also be accepted at the breakfast.
Dubbed ‘the People Interpreter’, Ms Mooney has volunteered her time and expertise to support this event. She is an international speaker committed to making a difference by sharing her personality profiling and people skills for relationship success, whether it be personal or business relationships. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a world class speaker here in Rotorua making a difference.
Ciabatta Bakery is supplying freshly baked ciabatta bread to supplement the continental breakfast. Come and meet our Rotorua Special Olympics athletes.
9.30 –
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Health and Science
Building, L Block
Mokoia Campus at Toi Ohomai Institute
of Technology,