Stage one of Hawthorne Drive to open this week
Stage one of Hawthorne Drive to open this week
Stage one of Hawthorne Drive is almost complete, with contractors working hard to get the final pieces in place before it is officially opened by Mayor Jim Boult this Thursday.
Formerly known as the Eastern Access Road, Hawthorne Drive will provide an alternative route for drivers travelling between Frankton and the Shotover River, enabling them to avoid the existing junction of SH6 and SH6A at the BP Roundabout.
Mayor Boult believes the opening of stage one will have significant benefits to congestion issues. “This is a huge milestone in the Hawthorne Drive Project, and roading in Queenstown. It will make a huge difference to the traffic problems that so often affect Frankton.”
“Our teams have put in a huge effort to ensure we can open this initial link in time for the busy winter season and take pressure off the BP Roundabout, which is a regular choke point for traffic. Frankly it is fantastic to see some major infrastructure projects coming to fruition and I am delighted to be able to officially open the road on Thursday.”
Stage one provides a link from SH6, down Glenda Drive and through to Remarkables Park. It is a temporary link – construction work will still be underway and sections of the road will have a 30km speed limit. This will operate until the construction of Hawthorne Drive is complete in December.
Jim Harland, Director Regional Relationships at the NZ Transport Agency, says Hawthorne Drive is a key part of the council and Transport Agency co-funded traffic improvements in Frankton. “Hawthorne Drive will increase the choices for drivers and help create more efficient journeys around Queenstown and Frankton. It will be great to see this project, alongside the first stage of improvements to the BP roundabout, together benefiting this growing region.”
Along with Hawthorne Drive, impending changes to car parking along Kawarau Road and the continued work on the Kawarau Falls bridge will impact traffic activity in the Frankton area and road users and residents are urged to take care.
The opening ceremony will take place at 10.30, with the road being officially open to traffic from 11.30am on Thursday 22 June.