Charity auction for ‘InsideOUT'
Press release for the Charity Auction to raise money for InsideOUT
“Will you be ok if your child is Gay?” – Charity auction for ‘InsideOUT’.
You have a beautiful
child, who you love more than anything, but I want you to
ask the question... If your child identifies as LBGT
(Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay or Transgender)... will you be
Generous businesses are auctioning off a ‘mums and
bubs’ bulk lot on trade me to raise funds for
‘InsideOUT’ a fantastic organisation who works with
young people within the LBGTQIA community.
It is an
auction that is designed to raise awareness about LBGT youth
in NZ and for parents to look at their own children and
accept them for who they are.
“I wanted to have parents
ask the question to themselves honestly”, said Michelle
Beard from the blog site Pumpkins in trees, “It is an
important topic for me now that I have children and can see
that some parents might struggle with the idea. I want them
to ask it to themselves now and make peace with the
wonderful child that stands in front of them now and who
they are going to be” she said.
Many of the people
asked had overwhelmingly said that nothing would change the
love that they have for their child.
Some were strangely
incensed that the question even needed to be asked, and some
were open and welcoming to the idea but were worried that
family and friends may not be as supportive.
Those who
had felt the sting of words filled with homophobic judgement
felt that some parents needed to wake up and look at their
child for who they are, “People who would choose to take
away their child's happiness, just because it doesn't suit
their image of how their child should be, are just vile
parents” said Jessica Skogstad author of ‘Enid and her
two mums’.
Some said that they would struggle, not
because of their child’s sexuality but because of society
and its judgement towards the LBGT community. One woman who
was in a same-sex relationship herself said “I know how
horrible it can be to be judged and treated second class
based purely on who you love. I wouldn't wish any hardship
or judgement on him and this world can be cruel to anyone
that is slightly different... I guess I just hope he doesn't
have to walk in the same footsteps that I
Society needs to change and become more
inclusive, we shouldn't have to worry that our child will
grow up and not be accepted into it because of who they are
or who they love.
All funds from the charity auction
will be going to InsideOUT.
You can find the auction on
Trademe under the title “Bulk lot 'Baby and Mum' pack
Charity Auction for InsideOUT'
The auction contains items
from generous businesses in Australia and New Zealand.
Auction closes Sunday 9th July 2017 at
Link to the Pumpkins in Trees blog
to the trademe auction
to second blog