Weather wreaking havoc on roads
Friday 11 August
Weather wreaking havoc on roads
The wettest year so far in 73 years coupled with an unprecedented amount of heavy vehicles on our network is putting extreme pressure on the region’s roading network.
“Our contractors SSE and Downers are working hard to keep up across the network,” says Council’s director of lifelines, David Wilson.
“Council is however working closely with our roading partners to develop a longer term strategy and plan around our roads.”
“Part of this is ensuring that our roads remain open and safe for our community.”
“We are having issues with a couple of our roads and we will work with our contractors to ensure that the community have safe access to their homes and farms.”
There is some confusion that Council is looking to close roads.
“I would like to reassure our community that we are not considering closing roads, but we may consider enacting the Gisborne District Traffic and Parking Bylaw which allows Council to restrict use of certain classes of vehicles on roads only if conditions worsened.”
“It is one tool in the tool box available to Council,” Mr Wilson said.
Gisborne District Council would not apply restrictions without stakeholder engagement and all other options had been exhausted first.
However the current dry spell has given some respite and crews have been able to make necessary repairs on the network.
“What is critical is the safety of the residents,” says Mr Wilson, “We need to ensure that this is paramount in any plan that we make.”