Fast tracking the resource consent
Fast tracking the resource consent
Resource consents will no longer be needed for some activities in Porirua City, saving time and money for applicants by fast tracking the process.
Changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) mean that from 18 October, Councils will be able to use simpler, fast track processes for boundary activities approved by neighbours, and minor or temporary breaches of the district plan. Both these activities currently need resource consent.
Under the new system a council officer will be able to issue a ‘notice of decision’, rather than going through the full resource consent process. For boundary activities these will be issued within 10 working days if the applicant has provided all the information needed.
Porirua City Council agreed at a meeting this week to make the changes needed to adopt the new provisions.
Mayor Mike Tana said the new process will save time and money for our residents.
“These are really sensible changes that will cut out some of the time, effort and paperwork – and keep costs down. You’ve told us you want it to be easier to get simple work done on your properties, and this helps make that happen. It’s in line with our drive to find efficiencies in the way we work.”
As work will still be carried out by council officers there will be a charge for the fast track processes, but it will be lower than the fees for resource consents which take longer and are more complex.
The new fees will be set after public consultation which starts next week, 25 September and runs until 24 October 2017.
“It’s important to set fair and reasonable fees for this work, so that the cost isn’t shifted onto other ratepayers,” Mayor Tana said. “But we’re excited to see these changes to the RMA that let us streamline processes and make it easier and cheaper for our residents to get things done.”