All Waters Connecting to New Lyndhurst Road Subdivision
All Waters Connecting to New Subdivision
A start on laying storm water, water and sewer pipes in Lyndhurst Road, between Nottingley Rd and the end of the road, is about to get underway.
The work will close that section of the road to all but residents’ and service vehicles from November 20, however for large events being held at Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park the Lyndhurst Rd entrance will be temporarily reinstated.
The new infrastructure will provide vital services to the subdivision being developed at the north end of the road. The total Lyndhurst development is expected to bring some 270 sections onto the market.
Hastings District Council has individually contacted those living along the affected stretch and will continue to keep them and the broader public updated on progress.
Once the pipes are laid, the road will be resurfaced and new cycle and walkway lanes marked, said Council’s works and services committee chairman Kevin Watkins.
“As well as ensuring that the subdivision can go ahead, this project will provide a better link to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park.
“The park is getting busier all the time and projects that make the route to the Lyndhurst Rd entry to the park easier and safer are welcome,” he said.