Auckland Mayor Gives Nothing to Racism
Auckland Mayor Gives Nothing to Racism
27 November 2017: Auckland’s Mayor is taking a stand against racism in New Zealand by endorsing the Human Rights Commission’s campaign to tackle casual racism.
Mayor Phil Goff says he is proud to lead the city in supporting the Give Nothing to Racism initiative – a campaign developed by the Commission, which focuses on the small acts of racism that we often let slide.
Mayor Phil Goff and Auckland Councillor Richard Hills were each presented with Give Nothing to Racism pins by Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy.
The pins, which feature the campaign’s blank face emoji, are worn by those who are committed to actively practicing giving nothing to racism.
"We’re asking Kiwis to acknowledge that racism and prejudice starts small and it needs their support to survive. Every little bit counts, because when it’s fed, it grows," said Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy.
"We’re delighted to see Auckland Mayor join some of New Zealand’s most beloved celebrities - from All Blacks to musicians to comedians - to give nothing to racism. They’re making a stand about the kind of country and people we are."
Mayor Phil Goff is calling on all Aucklanders to get behind the campaign and help stop racism from growing.
“Auckland is a multi-cultural city that actively promotes and celebrates its diversity. We’re a city that is welcoming of all cultures and people - we need to uphold the values of tolerance and mutual respect and maintain our inclusive reputation.
“As New Zealand’s largest and most ethnically diverse city, I’m keen to see that we send a clear message that racism has no place here – it’s not who we are and it’s not what we stand for.
The campaign recently won top honours at the Asia-Pacific Communications Awards taking out the supreme award for the best communications campaign by an NGO, association or institution.
People can check out to find out more about the campaign or make a personal video of support.