Hastings: Opera House: New foundations poured
Opera House: New foundations
The next time lapse
video of the work to earthquake strengthen the Opera House
has been released, showing the last of the foundation
preparations before this week’s big concrete
Twenty concrete trucks, each carrying five cubic metres of concrete, lined up at the site yesterday to pour the new foundations.
Over the life of the project an estimated 105 truckloads of concrete will be poured. The next batch will be in mid-December when eight trucks will be called in to pour the foyer and toilet floor slabs.
In the video, the contractors can be seen tying the last of the rods connecting the new foundation steel and the old foundations. The installation of wooden ‘boxing’ to stop the concrete running into the floor area can also be seen.
The pouring of the concrete has effectively made the two foundations into one strong foundation.
Hastings District Council facilities and programmes group manager Alison Banks says Council is very pleased with progress, which is running on time.
The physical work on the earthquake strengthening of the Hawke’s Bay Opera House started in August and is expected to take between 20 and 24 months.
For the latest time lapse video see: http://hawkesbayoperahouse.co.nz/redevelopment/