Protestors take a stand against Rodeo Cruelty
Protestors take a stand against Rodeo Cruelty
A call to action from the Animal Justice League New Zealand resulted in approximately 60 people taking part in a demonstration outside Canterbury Rodeo today.
“The turnout was greater than anticipated, which shows just how quickly people are learning about rodeo cruelty and agree that the government should implement a full ban on rodeos in NZ,” said a member of the group.
“People from town and country united, to send a clear message to organisers and attendees that New Zealanders are sick of animal abuse being touted as entertainment,” Animal Justice League NZ Spokesperson Holly Button.
This protest is hot on the heels of the huge turnout of demonstrators at the Warkworth rodeo on New Year's day and Taupo days before. There is a presence planned for the upcoming Southland Circuit.
“We peacefully held signs that depicted the look of pure terror in the eye of a calf that has been dropped and tied on the ground – part of the Roping event, with another capturing the brutal moment a young steer is thrown and twisted in the air, in the Steer Wrestling event. We chose these images as they are the true representation of Rodeo entertainment.”
“We strongly oppose the use of animals for entertainment, and each year more people are turning up and supporting Anti-Rodeo actions across the country. Over 60,000 people signed a petition demanding a ban on rodeo last year, yet the previous government chose to ignore their concerned citizens. We are here to show we won’t stop until the animal abuse that is rodeo ends," added Miss Button.
“While we are thrilled with a private members bill being pushed to ban calf roping and flank straps, we are asking our Government to stand up for animals and ban rodeo; it does not belong in Kiwi culture“, stated Miss Button.