Quay Street Pohutukawa
Quay Street Pohutukawa
Last week
a group of protesters occupied part of a planted median
strip on Quay Street, from where 14 young Pohutukawa are
being transplanted to the berm to make room for a cycleway.
Auckland Transport has been planning this 1km cycleway
extension since 2015 and held a full public consultation in
June 2017. It has successfully transplanted similar trees in
the past two years to Harbour Bridge Park and Teal
The Tree Council supported this publicly
notified consent application by Auckland Transport because
we felt the trees had a far better chance of a long and
healthy life in the berm than in such a tiny bed in the
middle of the road where they have limited soil volume to
grow in and will be constantly cut on both sides to
accommodate the traffic.
Retaining existing trees
within new developments is always preferable where this is
practical, however the Tree Council believes that the trees
concerned have the best chance of long-term survival if they
are moved away from their present location in the middle of
the road to locations where there will be fewer constraints
on their growth above and below ground.
The Tree
Council questions the sense of the timing & believe it is
more to do with having less traffic during the holidays than
for the health of the trees, but not the intent of the
outcome which we think is sensible. We have requested that
Auckland Transport delay the rest of the transplanting until
the autumn rather than doing it in the middle of a drought,
however we acknowledge that transplantation of trees can be
successfully completed regardless of the lack of rainfall if
the trees are well watered throughout the transplanting
process. Their survival will depend on good management. It
is a requirement of the consent for this project that any of
the trees that die within 36 months of the transplanting
must be replaced by 400lt nursery stock.
Having trees
next to the cycleway for shade will be better for everyone
using it. This should not be made into a battle between
cyclists and trees, because both are vitally important for a
healthy city. What we need is fewer cars and more cycleways
shaded by trees. Hopefully more cycleways and more street
trees will be major elements in Auckland Council’s Urban
Forest Strategy.
Notes to
• The Tree Council is a long-standing
non-profit organisation, established in 1986 to act as a
steward for the trees of the Auckland region. The Tree
Council exists to protect, conserve and improve the tree
cover in the Auckland region, especially in urban
• Individuals can join The Tree Council online
to support its work at www.thetreecouncil.org.nz or on
• More on this story can be found on Greater
Auckland's website: https://www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2018/01/12/quay-st-starts-quay-st-stops/
and https://www.bikeauckland.org.nz/seeing-forest-trees-quay-st/