New tee a show of solidarity
New tee a show of solidarity for Wellington social enterprise creating fashion for a cause
The latest tee shirt design from NOPESISTERS Wellington pair Johanna and Brittany Cosgrove, is already responding to the huge uprising of the worldwide #metoo movement, highlighting the realities of a culture that has hidden or excused, sexual abuse.
NOPESISTERS have created their fifth fashion tee to share profits with partner organisations whose support work responds to social issues that they have a personal connection to.
It adds to their collection of: Mastectotee; NOPE tee; period. tee and NOPE for HOPE shirts, now worn around the world, donating thousands of dollars to support charities.
The message highlighted in their new
meweTOO logo, encourages wearers to show
solidarity and support for the global silence breakers.
“We all know someone affected by sexual violence.” say
the sisters. “That’s why we’re saying, it’s not just
#metoo, it’s #wetoo.”
‘You can
wear a tee to hopefully make it easier to speak out or be
part of the conversation”.
The new meweTOO tee was commissioned by NOPESISTER’s charity partner Sexual Abuse HELP in November last year. The support organisation offers vital counselling services to victims. To reiterate the strength of collective voices in the wake of the swelling #metoo movement, HELP created a #weTOO hashtag for their major 2018 fundraising campaigns, such as the Round the Bays Run for HELP on February 18, to help them raise the $200,000 annual deficit required to provide their services.
NOPESISTERS designer Brit Cosgrove created a small logo stitched above the heart, meTOO is mirrored as weTOO – asking everyone, all genders, to stand up or speak out, and recognise we all need to work together to change the culture of sexual abuse and rape.
Profits from sales of meweTOO tees are
shared with two sister organisations Sexual Abuse HELP and new charity
partner Sexual Abuse Prevention Network ( SAPN
General Manager of SAPN Fiona McNamara says “We were
thrilled to be approached by NOPESISTERS. In this
competitive funding climate, we rely on community support to
continue to deliver our specialist education programmes. The
meweTOO tee not only offers a new income stream for us, but
those wearing the tee-shirts show solidarity with survivors,
which in turn encourages challenging conversations. Opening
up dialogues about sexual abuse is a starting point of
changing the culture that allows it to happen.”
This is
a new three way collaboration for the NOPESISTERS. “We
wanted this charity tee to not only support victims, but
also give funds to an organisation we know is doing great
work in educating people to recognise sexual abuse and try
and stop it before it happens.” explained the
“We are so impressed with SAPN’s programmes
in schools, and particularly in the hospitality industry,
where we both work. These positive steps towards solutions
match the message of our NOPE and meweTOO tees, to encourage
a consciousness about consent and sexual abuse.” Johanna
The design now aligns with the growing number of supporters, marchers and followers responding to global events like the ‘glitterboobs’ incident and Consent Movement in New Zealand, as well as annual Women’s marches, and the global demand for sexual abusers to be called to account for their actions.
“We are so excited to have a new charity collaborator for this tee” explain the sisters.
“We know that making a t-shirt might not change the world, but if it gives wearers some courage to speak out, or enables them to talk about the social issues attached to our design, then we are hopeful that, slowly, change can happen.” they say.
The NOPESISTERS very popular NOPE tee carrying a clear ‘NOPE means NO’ message has already given thousands in charity donations to partner charity Sexual Abuse HELP over the past year. HELP’S General Manager Conor Twyford says "The NOPE tee has provided a hugely effective way of engaging people in discussion about consent. Every time someone wears a NOPE tee they are creating the opportunity to have an important conversation with the dozens of people they meet in their day.”
Hundreds of men and women, have been wearing the
NOPE message across their chests, in black and white, since
the tee release a year ago.
Its message makes a demand
for sexual consent, and consent education to foster safe and
healthy relationships between all genders.
“We hope
the new meweTOO tee will be as popular, and provide the
perfect catalyst for wearers to have those very important
conversations about sexual consent.” The sisters