Anti-Rodeo Coalition Publish More “Fake News”
Michael Laws
National Spokesperson
NZ Rodeo & Cowboys
Michael Laws
NZ Rodeo & Cowboys Association
Anti-Rodeo Coalition Publish More “Fake
News”: Campaign to
Discredit Sinks to New Lows
In the wake of the government’s affirmation that New Zealand rodeo events will not face legal bans, anti-rodeo activists “are sinking to new lows, with claims of fake animal deaths and ongoing abuse of rodeo personnel.”
NZ Rodeo & Cowboys national spokesperson Michael Laws said today that administrators and spokespersons are facing “almost daily abuse and threats of physical harm from anti-rodeo and animal activists.”
“ The hysteria has now reached the stage where the NZ Anti-Rodeo Coalition are publishing and promoting “fake news” about animal deaths at New Zealand rodeos.
“ This past weekend, a spectacularly successful rodeo event at Urenui, Taranaki attracted a crowd of 4,000 people and just a handful of protestors.
“ In the wake of that event, the NZ Anti Rodeo Coalition posted ‘Breaking News’ to its supporters that a calf had died at the event. Despite being advised that this was untrue, that post remains on their Facebook site and has prompted fresh waves of abuse from their supporters.”
Mr Laws said that lying, threatening behaviour, and the bias-editing of videos, “have become the new tactics of animal activists and anti-rodeo personnel.”
“ There were NO calves killed at Urenui.
“ In fact, independent MPI officials, reporting to Parliament, have noticed how incredibly tiny any animal injuries have historically been. And NZ Rodeo has enhanced animal welfare considerably since.”
[National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee report 2014]