Hastings looks at new model to revitalise its city centre
Hastings looks at new model to revitalise its city centre.
City centres across the world are constantly changing due to global trends that are altering the way we live, work and play in our Central Business Districts. To meet the challenges these changing global trends bring, the Hastings District Council, in partnership with the Hastings Business Association, will be consulting with the business community on how we should anticipate where this new environment will take us and how we can improve the CBD's vibrancy, through a Business Improvement District model (BID).
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst says we have a focus on creating a forward-thinking city centre strategy for now and into the future. “Our beautiful city will be a vibrant, pumping place for people to do business, to be entertained, to shop, to learn, to socialise, to live in and have fun in.”
“We have an amazing, passionate and dedicated business community, who are working with Council to create a dynamic CBD. We are incredibly excited to be working with them to consult on a Business Improvement District model.”
Since 1994, businesses within the Hastings city centre have paid a targeted rate to Council which has been used to fund predominately marketing, promotional and revitalisation activities run by the Hastings City Business Association.
Currently 313 businesses contribute to the targeted rate, totalling $285,000 per annum.
To ensure Hastings city keeps up with national and international change, Council and the Hastings City Business Association have recently undertaken extensive research into the best model possible for delivering marketing, promotions and revitalisation.
As part of Council’s research into new models, Business Improvement Districts in other cities around New Zealand were looked at. After hearing feedback from this research work, Council voted last week in favour of setting up a Business Improvement District model in the central city.
The next
steps will include a framework being developed and then a
transitional team will be set up to consult with the
business community and hear their views.
Chair of the
Hastings City Business Association Board, Wayne Walford says
it’s great to see Council will be consulting with central
city businesses on a potential Business Improvement District
model. “I have been involved in the establishment of the
BID in Hamilton City and have seen the benefits of this
model in