Volunteer effort on Tamarau wetland
Major progress has been made in the development of the Tamarau wetland at Heath Johnston Park.
Last week, community volunteers and Gisborne Intermediate students helped get more than 3000 plants in the ground, along with staff from Council’s biosecurity, river and land drainage and environmental monitoring teams.
The wetland benches have been established and riparian areas planted, with still more plants to go in. Eastland Port has donated mulch that will be spread around the riparian plants.
The plants will enhance the freshwater habitat for aquatic life and improve water quality by creating shade and filtering contaminants out of the water before it moves down the Wainui stream.
Stormwater wetlands are great at reducing pollution – they're the natural cleansers of the environment, taking out pollutants in the water through physical, chemical and biological processes.
Project manager Harriet Roil says the wetland will enhance the ecological values of the headwaters of the Wainui stream and create a space that will be enjoyable to visit.
“The Tamarau area which is now an urban suburb, was originally a vast wetland, important in the history and culture of the local hapu.
“The project has been well supported by the community with many plant donations, donations of people’s time and support from contractors,” she said.
“A big thank you to Native Garden Nursery, the Women’s Native Tree Trust, Katie Foxley, Gisborne Intermediate, Eastland Port and all the volunteers.”