RAL Chief Executive appeals to bus passengers
MT RUAPEHU 2 AUGUST 2018: Ross Copland, Chief Executive of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) is hoping passengers on the bus involved in the accident at the weekend will make contact.
"Our priority this week has been connecting with everyone on that bus however privacy restrictions have made this a challenge. We would like to ensure that passengers are on the road to recovery, well supported and also keep them updated with the investigation that's underway," Ross says.
"We have spoken to, and met with, a number of passengers already, but as we were unable to collect passenger details at the scene of the accident, I would greatly appreciate any passengers we haven't already managed to reach contacting us directly."
While the investigation continues Mt Ruapehu has elected to outsource its transport and suspend its own transport service. Contractors have been engaged to ensure continuity of services to transport visitors to the ski areas during the height of the ski season.
"Our passenger transport fleet is currently undergoing extensive checks as part of the investigation process to ensure that every vehicle exceeds the required safety standards, after that process is completed our services will resume," Ross says.
RAL can confirm that the bus involved in the accident had a COF issued just 58 days prior on 31 May, valid until 30 November 2018. The COF did not expire on the day of the accident, minimum COF duration means this is an impossibility. RAL has been advised it is standard practice for COF’s to be cancelled after accidents of this nature. In addition, RAL records for this vehicle show no evidence of unusual or decreasing odometer readings.
RAL is unable to comment further on matters relating to the accident due to the Police investigation underway.