Los Angeles’ Gangsta Gardener hits Wainuiomata
Los Angeles’ Gangsta Gardener hits Wainuiomata for He Kai, He Whenua
Ron Finley, Los Angeles’ Gangsta Gardener is coming to Wainuiomata to speak at the He Kai, He Whenua, a free community event as part of Visa Wellington On a Plate.
Hosted by TiHei Rangatahi, Wainuiomata Marae and Love Wainuiomata; He Kai, He Whenua is a celebration of how community’s role as kaitiaki of māra kai is transforming communities.
Ron will share his experience of living in South Central Los Angeles, how he challenged the status quo and succeeded in changing the rules and at the same time helped transform his community. TiHei Rangatahi, Wainuiomata Marae and Love Wainuiomata will share the story of this place, its people and what is already happening to reconnect communities through māra kai.
Renee Davies who leads TiHei Rangatahi is excited about hosting He Kai, He Whenua "We're really interested in exposing tamariki to real-world experiences within the natural environment creating interest and insight. We’re working with our rangatahi and their whānau to create a generation of change."
The name of the event, He Kai, He Whenua, is inspired by a Māori proverb: “Te toto o te tangata, he kai, Te oranga o te tangata, he whenua.” This translates to, “While food provides blood in our veins, our health is drawn from the lands,” and shows the importance Māori place on land and its connection to our health and prosperity. This event aims to challenge the status quo and inspire communities to collectively take back and own their health and wellbeing.
Healthy Families Lower Hutt, Te Awakairangi Health Network and Hutt City Council are proud to be supporting Ron to come to Lower Hutt in partnership with Visa Wellington On a Plate.
"We're excited about Ron coming and sharing his compelling story. Ron has used gardening as a tool and metaphor for community transformation. He highlighted the lack of health equity in his community and challenged the status quo to create access to healthy food, while bringing the community together," says Matt Reid, General Manager, City and Community Services at Hutt City Council and Chair of the Healthy Families Lower Hutt Leadership Group.