Wanaka Masterplan community conversation starts today
Queenstown Lakes District Council is kicking off the first phase of community engagement on the Wanaka Town Centre Masterplan.
The Masterplan looks toward 2050 and will bring a holistic and coordinated approach to developing how the town centre works and functions. This will include a preferred programme of transport improvements to ensure that good access around and through the town centre are provided for a variety of transport modes.
Mayor Jim Boult encouraged Upper Clutha residents to join in the process as community input will play an important role in making the Masterplan a success.
”The Upper Clutha is a very active and engaged community and has been involved in a number of past plans and strategies within the district. This early insights campaign provides us with an opportunity to draw together and build on past feedback we’ve been provided to inform a comprehensive plan for the future of the Wanaka town centre and associated transport networks,” says Mayor Boult.
The insights gathered from this early engagement will inform a series of workshops which will shape the planning stages of the Town Centre Masterplan.
“Expect to see staff and the Wanaka Community Board out and about during September gathering comments and ideas for what people value and expect from their town centre today and in years to come. We want to ensure that local residents, businesses and community groups are involved through this process,” said Mayor Boult.
Details of the Wanaka Town Centre Masterplan project and information on how to be part of the community conversation is available on the QLDC website.