CCTV cover for city bus lanes
More bus lanes in central Auckland are being monitored 24 hours a day.
Auckland Transport has installed CCTV
cameras in bus lanes on Queen St, Hobson St and Khyber Pass
Rd. There are already CCTV cameras monitoring enforcement on
Fanshawe St.
John Strawbridge, Group Manager Parking
Services and Compliance says the cameras have leading edge,
purpose built analytics. “They generate an alert so we
don’t need to have an enforcement officer set up on the
street with a mobile camera. The CCTV footage is then
reviewed by an experienced staff member who makes the
decision about whether an infringement should be
When CCTV was introduced on Fanshawe St in
July last year there was an initial jump in the number of
infringements issued but now infringements are back to
similar levels as before CCTV.
John Strawbridge says
this is about freeing up bus lanes for buses. “A bus can
move around 70 people, it’s much more efficient than
clogging the roads with cars. The lane on Fanshawe Street
currently carries more than 5,000 people during the morning
peak hour, compared to approximately 1800 people in cars in
the other two lanes.”
The key benefits of using CCTV to
remotely monitor bus lanes are:
• Lanes can be
monitored 24/7
• One officer can monitor
multiple lanes
• Eliminates health and safety
risks for staff who would normally need to stand on the road
side for hours
Bus lanes are for buses, motorcycles,
scooters and cyclists. Other vehicles can enter the bus lane
to turn left up to 50 metres before turning.
The infringement fee for driving illegally in a bus lane is $150, this fee is set by central government not Auckland Transport.
For more on bus and transit lanes:
and on infringement reviews: