Local Lawyers Offer Free Will Changes
Local Lawyers Offer Free Will Changes to Assist
Charitable Giving
IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 13th September 2018
September is
Wills Month. Nikau Foundation, the Community Foundation for
the Wellington Region, has partnered with eight local law
firms to allow generous individuals to include a charity in
their will for free.
Many people think that gifts in wills are only for the wealthy. Not so. Once you have made provision for your loved ones, it’s easy to leave a small percentage of your estate to something you are passionate about - whether it is scholarships to young musicians; a donation to a geographic region like Kāpiti; an area of interest like conservation; or to a specific charity like Womens’ Refuge.
Wellington recruitment consultant, Tilda Bostwick took advantage of the offer last year and was pleased to be able to add a donation to her favourite cause – the Arts.
“I am passionate about the Arts, in particular where citizens can directly engage in creative activities like arts festivals or in community art spaces. I choose to give through Nikau Foundation because my gift will be invested in a growing pot of funding for Wellington and will continue to make grants to arts organisations long after I am gone”.
Through the community foundation model, the capital remains intact and the investment income is used to make distributions annually to charities and community groups across the greater Wellington Region according to the donors wishes. Over the years the Foundation has donated over $4,500,000 to a range of causes and will distribute another $500,000 this year.
Nikau Foundation is grateful to the following participating lawyers for providing free will changes this month: Breadon McCardle, Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Kapiti Law, Morrison Kent, Oakley Moran, Susie Mills Law, Wakefields Lawyers, and WCM Legal.
If you are keen to take up the offer, contact Nikau Foundation on 0800 YOUR GIFT (0800 968 744) or visit (www.nikafoundation.org.nz) for more information and to book an appointment.