SPCA invites you to bless your pets!
26 September 2018
Your average Sunday church service isn’t normally attended by pets in all shapes and sizes.
But SPCA is encouraging humans and their pets to fill up church pews and attend the Blessing of the Animals Auckland event, to show their communal appreciation for all creatures, great and small.
The Blessing of the Animals celebration will take place on Sunday September 30 at St Matthew in the City, and is part of a global commemoration of the life of St Francis of Assisi, the patron of animals. This annual event is held to coincide with World Animal Day, on October 4.
The day will see the Hobson Street church filled with animals attending the service and their owners.
Encouraged to “sing” along to the hymns and listen to readings, animals will also be able to receive a special blessing from the minister after the service.
SPCA CEO Andrea Midgen says the Auckland ceremony has seen its fair share of different animals over the years, with all pets welcome to attend.
“In past ceremonies we’ve seen a bull, miniature ponies, turtles, mice, cats, llamas, dogs and rabbits attend,” she says.
“Some people cannot always bring their pet, so they can bring a picture of an animal they love instead. This isn’t just an event for pet owners, it’s for animals and animal-lovers across Auckland.
“It’s a lovely day with a great community feel. And the animals behave beautifully – most of the time!”
Please join us in honouring our animal companions and acknowledging World Animal Day.
The details:
When: Sunday, September 30 2018 Time: 1.30pm Venue: St Matthew in the City, 187 Federal Street, Auckland CBD Cost: Free
PS: For the safety of animals and the comfort of other people, please ensure all dogs and larger animals are on a lead, smaller animals protected in a cage, with humans carrying paper towels and plastic bags in the event of any ‘accidents’.