Māori Zero Waste gathering coming to Wellington
Māori Zero Waste gathering coming to Wellington
FROM: Para Kore Marae Incorporated
DATE: 1st November 2018 - for immediate release
A nation-wide kaupapa Māori, Zero
Waste movement will be gathering at Ōrongomai Marae in
Upper Hutt from 16th -18th November to tackle Aotearoa’s
growing rubbish problem. Para Kore, which means Zero Waste
in te reo Māori, is supporting over 300 marae, kōhanga
reo, kura kaupapa and community groups across Aotearoa in
their quest for sending less to landfills and looking after
the environment.
“We are excited to bring Para
Kore’s Hui ā-Tau to the Wellington region this month.
Each year we hold our hui ā-tau, our annual conference,
attracting marae, whānau, kura, kōhanga reo, whakahaere
Māori, council staff, individuals and families who are
interested in caring for and living lightly on
Papatūānuku” says hui organiser Tyne Nelson from Para
“This year’s theme is ‘Riro taonga mai,
hoki taonga atu’. We will explore what it means to look
after our environment: how can we protect our precious
resources, our precious atmosphere, our relationships to
each other and our connections to resources. We’ll share
stories and experiences of our journey towards Zero Waste
and inspire each other to care for Rangi and
“Our hui is being held at Ōrongomai Marae
focusing on regeneration, closed loop economies and
designing out waste. Esteemed speakers, hands on workshops,
and field trips will all provide inspiration, understandings
and skills about how to grow Para Kore into your
“Registration for our hui are still open and we would love to see as many people as possible at Ōrongomai Marae. We want to influence people towards seeing rubbish as a precious resource” concludes Tyne Nelson.