Strong retail growth continues in Hastings District
Strong retail growth continues in Hastings
strong growth trend in retail spending in the Hastings
district continues, according to figures released in the
latest Marketview quarterly report.
For the three months ending December 2018, spending in Hastings grew by 9.1 per cent on the same time last year reaching $88 million and increased 7.5 per cent in Havelock North to a total of $37 million.
The numbers arise from electronic card retail transactions and the Hastings district’s 9.1 per cent growth outstripped the national spending growth rate of 3.7 per cent.
Hastings District Council’s economic development and urban affairs portfolio leader Damon Harvey said “this continued growth and performance above the national average particularly in Hastings City is strongly indicative of a buoyant economy where consumer spend is demonstrating confidence in our local retailers.”
In Havelock North, 71 per cent of the spending originated from Havelock North shoppers while 7 per cent came from Central Hawke’s Bay residents and international visitors contributed 3 per cent.
Napier shoppers, however, spent 7.5 per cent less in Havelock North than they did at the same time last year.
In Hastings, locals again were the main spenders contributing 70 per cent of the total spend, Napier shoppers contributed 11 per cent and the rest of New Zealand added 18 percent to the total.
Saturdays were the big shopping day in Hastings, while the most activity was seen in Havelock North on Fridays.