Consultation open on proposed fees and charges
Public consultation is now open on Council’s proposed fees and charges for 2019/20.
Council adopted the recommendation to increase fees and charges up to a maximum of 30 percent in some areas, while others will only increase to the rate of inflation at 2.12 percent.
The proposed charges are reflective of the true costs of each individual service, to ensure the person benefitting from the service is charged accurately rather than costs falling on the general ratepayer.
The proposed major changes to fees include:
Cemeteries fees have increased between 7–9%.
Resource Consents - 2 new
fees for record retrieval and cancel consent
Building Services fees have
increased higher than the rate of inflation to recover
actual costs. Increases have been capped at
Environmental Health Services
registration fees have increased and capped at 30%.
Animal Control dangerous dog fee has
reduced to the standard registration as set by legislation.
Theatres on-charging of electricity
costs has increased and may be updated at any time during
the year based on actual costs that Council incurs.
Public submissions on the proposed fees and charges close on May 8.
You can make a submission here