Keeping pets safe this Easter weekend
As we prepare for an Easter weekend full of family,
friends, and fun, remember to keep an eye on your furry
friends around food. Many common treats and snacks that
people enjoy over the holidays can cause serious harm to
your pets.
Ignoring your pets’ pleading faces is actually in their best interest. Dogs and cats digest and metabolise food differently to humans, so what might be perfectly fine for us can be poisonous to them. Pets can find feasts in handbags, off tables, and by rummaging through the rubbish, finding food that can make them sick.
Remember: if you think your pet has eaten something
dangerous you should immediately call your local vet
Chocolate treats
chocolate away from dogs at all times, and carefully monitor
where chocolate is hidden when setting up an Easter egg
hunt. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, chemicals
that are toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities. A
good rule of thumb is the darker the chocolate, the more
toxic it will be for a dog. Keep pets away from treats
wrapped in tin foil as there is a chance it can cause an
intestinal obstruction or bleeding.
Ten foods
unsafe for pets:
o Grapes and raisins can be
deadly to cats and dogs, so keep hot cross buns out of
reach! Symptoms include lethargy, excessive thirst, vomiting
and, in serious cases, acute kidney failure and
o Alcohol and caffeine are toxic for
o Avocados contain persin which causes symptoms
ranging from vomiting and diarrhoea to cardiac arrest and
death. Birds are particularly sensitive to persin but
avocado should not be fed to any pets.
o Chocolate can
cause seizures, vomiting and diarrhoea, and in some cases
o Macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, weakness and
tremors if eaten by dogs.
o Onions and chives contain
disulphides and sulfoxides, which can damage red blood cells
and cause anaemia.
o Peaches, plums, persimmons and apple
pips contain a substance that degrades to
o Xylitol – a common ingredient in sugarless
treats and sugarless gum is dangerous.
o Sweet-corn cobs
can cause blockages in the small intestine that may need to
be removed surgically. Don’t let your dog chew on the
o Pork crackling, sausages and fatty meats not only
add extra calories but can lead to intense pain, vomiting
and bloody diarrhoea due to pancreatitis.
To include your
dog in Easter festivities, treat them to appropriate new
foods. Safe foods for dogs include kumara, banana, pumpkin,
carrot, cabbage, brown rice, quinoa, peas, broccoli, or
cooked potatoes – just remember to give only in small
amounts to avoid a tummy upset and check with your vet
before feeding if your dog suffers from a health condition
such as diabetes. You could also simply make their mealtime
more fun, by giving them their normal daily meals in a Kong
or puzzle feeder.
Karaka tree
Keep your dog away from New Zealand’s
native karaka tree berries. The berries are an important
food source for Kereru, however, they are fatal to dogs.
Through January to April the berries ripen, turn orange and
fall off the trees. Berry kernels remain toxic for a long
time, so dogs can be poisoned by eating even a previous
year’s fruit. The trees themselves are quite distinct and
easy to spot; they have thick dark leaves and can grow up to
15 metres with the berries turning a bright orange colour
during fruiting season.
“Most people know that chocolate
is dangerous for dogs, but there is actually an array of
popular food ingredients that your pet’s bodies are simply
not designed to eat,” says SPCA’s CEO, Andrea
“Pets can get into food and as they are
inquisitive by nature will search out unusual scents, so
owners should be extra vigilant this long weekend when at
home and when away. If you think your dog has ingested
something they shouldn’t have, seek immediate veterinary