Meeting To Discuss A Positive Way Forward
Today the Hastings District Council, Police and Te Mata
Park Trust met to discuss the gang event last Saturday on Te
Mata Peak and how all stakeholders can work collaboratively
to find a way forward which allows everyone in the community
to have safe access to the peak.
The Hastings District Council and Te Mata Park Trust support the Police’s decision to close the road on Saturday during the event, due to concerns around public safety.
Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst says keeping our community safe is our top priority. “Police were right to stop vehicles going up Te Mata Peak because of the numbers of families, visitors, gang members and vehicles causing congestion at the top.”
We are looking forward to a positive solution from our discussions.”
It is a safe and sacred place for our region and we want it to remain an enjoyable space for our whole community.”
Following today, a meeting is being coordinated with senior gang members, the Council and the Te Mata Park Trust to further discuss a pragmatic way forward for the future.
Te Mata Peak Trust Board chair Mike Devonshire comments, “Te Mata Park is for the enjoyment of all people in Hawke’s Bay, and as kaitiaki (or guardians) of the land, we strive to ensure that all park users can safely enjoy activities in the park. We will work collaboratively with gang leaders, the Council and the Police to establish a way forward.’’
Hawke’s Bay
Area Commander Inspector Jeanette Park says following
today’s discussion, Police are confident a positive
solution can be found.