Labour’s Wellington City Council candidates launch campaign
Labour’s Wellington City Council candidates launch campaign
Labour's team running for Wellington City Council will launch their campaigns alongside Justin Lester's mayoral campaign launch today. Labour is contesting each of the five wards as well as the Mayoralty in October's local government elections, and will be running an energetic campaign focused on direct conversations with voters.
Three existing Labour Councillors, Brian Dawson, Peter Gilberd, and Fleur Fitzsimons, are seeking re-election. Two new candidates are seeking election to the Council: Rebecca Matthews in Wharangi - Onslow-Western Ward and Teri O'Neill in Motu Kairangi - Eastern Ward.
"I am a renter, a mum and have lived in Wellington for most of my life. If elected, I will give a voice to renters – a group that has traditionally not been represented around the Council table. I am motivated to contribute to our Mayor's vision of our city as the fairest little capital in the world," says Rebecca.
"Mayor Justin Lester is currently the youngest Councillor but most of the decisions made around the table are going to affect the future generations of our city. I will bring a determined commitment to investing in transport, housing, and infrastructure for our future," says Teri.
Councillor Brian Dawson is seeking re-election in the Pukehīnau - Lambton ward. "I came on to the Council to make sure every person has a warm dry home to live in and enough money to pay for basic living costs. I am proud we are now an accredited Living Wage Council and have taken active steps to end homelessness in our city, but there is more to do," says Brian.
Councillor Peter Gilberd is seeking re-election in the Takapū - Northern ward. "As the City Scientist, I am conscious we must safe-guard the ecological future of our city. We must preserve and protect our fresh water and plants, only by standing together as a city can we reduce emissions and maybe even see kiwi roaming in our backyards once more,” says Peter.
Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons is seeking re-election in the Paekawakawa - Southern Ward. "Our city is developing a plan to end sexual violence but we have more to do to create the cultural change needed. I want to make sure that every child growing up in Wellington makes great memories of everything our city has to offer, no matter where they come from or how much money their parents have,” says Fleur.
All candidates are excited and proud to support Justin Lester’s re-election campaign.
"Justin has the right values close to his heart. He supports rangatahi, young people, and we support him because he genuinely listens to us. I am so grateful to have his support to run for Wellington City Council and I share his vision for an inclusive, accessible city," says Teri.
"I'm proud of Justin and all he's done to make Wellington a fairer city for our kids to grow up in," says Rebecca.
"It’s been great working alongside a mayor who has shown strong leadership. With Justin leading the city and Jacinda in the Beehive, Wellington is on the right track," says Brian.
"Justin is genuinely committed to the environment, we both live in the North of our city and he regularly rides or runs to work. He's serious about reducing emissions," says Peter.
"Justin is leading Wellington through some difficult situations with compassion and confidence. He finds the best in people and we are so lucky to have him as our Mayor," says Fleur.