Statement from the Stewart Whānau of Tapu-te-Ranga Trust
Tēnā koutou katoa,
Tapu Te Ranga Marae was on fire in the early hours of Sunday morning and emergency services arrived at around 12:30am to quell the flames. Firstly, we are grateful that the manuhiri, our neighbours and the residents of the Marae whānau are all safe.
We would like to acknowledge the quick response of the Fire Service, Ambulance, Police, Māori Wardens and Council volunteers who successfully protected the surrounding properties of Rhine Street, Island Bay.
We mourn for the loss of our Kuia, Pare Waaka. Who was built by the late rangatira Bruce Stewart, his whānau, Māori youth and volunteers over the last 45 years. We are devastated that a number of our whare have been tragically taken by fire. However, the heart of the Marae is the whānau. And we are determined to rebuild the Marae with the aroha and support of our community.
We have a mammoth task ahead of us. We have setup a Give-a-Little page, “Rebuild Tapu Te Ranga Marae.” Any koha big or small would be very much appreciated. We are grateful for the outpouring of aroha we have received thus far.
Nā te ringa tangata i hanga te whare
Nā te tuarā o te whare i whakatipu i te tangata
We who build the house are built by the
Ngā Mihi