Coordinator appointed to implement Positive Ageing Strateg
Tuesday 27th August 2019
The three Wairarapa councils are pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Clark to the role of Positive Ageing Strategy Coordinator.
Emily’s role will see her based in Carterton while working on behalf of all three Wairarapa councils to achieve the region-wide objective of meeting the wellbeing needs of the Wairarapa’s ageing community.
Emily moved to Wairarapa from Wellington last year with her husband and daughter and is bringing a wealth of experience to the strategy team. Her previous role as the programme coordinator for Age Concern has seen her organising health promotions, programme activities and events.
“I have a genuine interest in the ageing population and I’m passionate about positive change,” Emily said.
“I have already established meaningful relationships with various seniors and have a very real view of what the care is like in New Zealand and what we should be striving towards.”
The strategy was developed by the three Wairarapa councils to prepare for the region’s rapidly ageing community and was launched earlier this month. The aim is to help our older residents achieve positive outcomes through leading valued, connected and fulfilling lives.
Emily’s role will see her focussed on the strategy’s six strategic goals, which were identified through extensive local research and consultation. These are community support and health services, communication and engagement, transport, cultural diversity, housing, and places, spaces and activities.
“The process behind the strategy to date has been really well done and with great community engagement,” Emily said.
“This hasn’t been rushed and has provided many different forums for feedback and community contribution. I can’t wait to start putting the strategic goals into place.”
Carterton District Council’s Community Development Coordinator Gerry Brooking said the steering group is really excited to have Emily driving the strategy on behalf of the three councils.
“We had a number of highly qualified candidates but Emily’s passion for this kaupapa and her experience already working in the older persons sector put her ahead of the others.”
Emily will begin her role on 18th September.