Recycling wheelie bin numbering error
Monday 9 September 2019
An error made when delivering Carterton’s new recycling wheelie bins has seen all residents receive a bin labelled with a number 1.
The new collection system started today, with recycling wheelie bins labelled number 2 due to be collected this week and bins labelled number 1 to be collected next week. However, once collection began this morning, Earthcare Environmental identified that all bins in Carterton were labelled with a number 1. Many residents on the west side of Carterton should have received bins labelled with a number 2.
We're disappointed with the error made by the contractor, however, they have assured us that all recycling wheelie bins with non-glass recyclables and all crates containing only glass were collected in Carterton today. They will also collect all recycling wheelie bins with non-glass recyclables and all crates containing only glass in Carterton next Monday 16 September.
The affected households in the number 2 collection zone will be notified in writing by Earthcare Environmental and have their bins re-stickered. From Monday 23 September, households with a bin with a number 2 will need to put this out, and glass recycling crates out on Monday 30 September. Those with a bin with a number 1 will need to put glass crates out on Monday 23 September and recycling wheelie bins out on Monday 30 September.
“We encourage Carterton residents who are unsure of which week of the cycle they are on to put both their recycling wheelie and glass crates out, as only the relevant one for your collection zone will be collected” says Operations Manager Garry Baker.
Collection in Greytown and some areas of Masterton begins tomorrow (Tuesday 10 September). The councils have only been made aware of incorrectly labelled bins being delivered to Carterton and therefore Masterton residents are reminded to check whether their bin is labelled 1 or 2. If their bin is labelled number 1, they will need to put out their crates containing glass. If their bin is labelled number 2, they will need to put out their wheelie bin containing non-glass recyclables. All South Wairarapa customers are on the same collection cycle and need to put out their crates this week, and wheelie bins next week, on their usual collection day.