Disability Pride Week 16 to 21 September 2019
Disability Pride Week 2019 is about showcasing who disabled people are - it’s also about saying we are here and have a right to participate fully in our communities and the decisions that impact on our lives.
Diversity is about having a seat at the table, inclusion is about having a voice, and belonging is about having that voice heard. At 24% of the population, collectively we should and can have a very loud voice.
The Disability Pride Week Aotearoa theme this year is 'Setting the Agenda' to link in with the lead up to the October local body elections. The theme highlights the opportunity for us to make our issues known to the candidates for local and regional councils and district health boards.
Get to know who the candidates are and what they stand for, ask them how they will work with disabled people, and lobby the successful DHB board members and local body representatives for them to work with you.
We have many issues that show there’s a great deal of room for improvement in upholding our rights – rates of employment, income levels, accessibility across all areas, and obtaining the right levels of support we may need.
For this week though, let’s shine the light on who we are - our skills, our talents, our voices, our achievements, and our potential.
Check out the DPW events and get