Improved safety for the Royal Oak roundabout
16 September 2019
A new roundabout design is being proposed by Auckland Transport to improve safety at the Royal Oak roundabout.
The upgraded Royal Oak roundabout includes a reconfigured traffic island that directs traffic to stay within the lane, raised speed tables at all existing pedestrian crossings, as well as new road markings and signage.
By making it easier for drivers to choose their direction before entering the roundabout, safety will be improved by reducing the ability for people to chop and change lanes.
The proposed improvements will create a safer environment for vulnerable road users, including people on motorbikes, bikes, and people crossing the road.
The roundabout, which is in a very busy town centre, intersects Campbell, Mt Smart, Mt Albert and Manukau Roads, and is one of Auckland’s most dangerous – with 61 crashes reported nearby between 2013 - 2018. Of these crashes, unfortunately one person was killed, one seriously injured, and there have been 14 minor injuries.
Auckland Transport’s Group Manager Network Management Randhir Karma says we need fresh thinking on how we design and build our road network to protect people from harm.
“Over the past five years we’ve seen a dramatic increase in road trauma . The Safe System approach that Auckland Transport applies to our work means that we see the safe design of the roads and intersections as a key part of keeping people safe as they travel around.
“The aim of this work is to create slower, survivable vehicle speeds that reduce risk to the many vulnerable road users that use this intersection. We want people to slow down and think about all users before entering the roundabout and to be aware of their travel through the intersection. We will carefully monitor the roundabout once the safety improvements at the Royal Oak roundabout are complete.”
Consultation will run from Monday 16 September – Sunday 6 October
See to have your say.
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