Severe thunderstorm warning for Westland & Queenstown Lakes
Issued by MetService at 04:30 pm Friday 06 December
Valid until 05:22 pm Friday 06 December
This warning affects people in the following local
government areas:
At 04:22 pm, MetService weather radar detected severe thunderstorms near HAAST, OFFSHORE BRUCE BAY, LAKE PARINGA and LAKE MOERAKI.
These severe thunderstorms are moving towards the southeast, and are expected to lie near HAAST, OFFSHORE BRUCE BAY, LAKE PARINGA and LAKE MOERAKI at 04:52 pm and near HAAST, OFFSHORE BRUCE BAY, LAKE PARINGA and LAKE MOERAKI at 05:22 pm.
These thunderstorms are expected to be accompanied by torrential rain.
Torrential rain can cause surface and/or flash flooding about streams, gullies and urban areas, and make driving conditions extremely hazardous.
A Severe Thunderstorm Watch remains in force for WESTLAND.
The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency
Management advises that as storms approach you should:
Take shelter, preferably indoors away from windows;
Avoid sheltering under trees, if outside;
- Get back to
land, if outdoors on the water;
- Move cars under cover
or away from trees;
- Secure any loose objects around
your property;
- Check that drains and gutters are
- Be ready to slow down or stop, if
During and after the storm, you should
- Beware of fallen trees and power lines;
Avoid streams and drains as you may be swept away in flash
This warning is due to be updated or lifted by 05:20 pm Friday 06 December 2019.