Council Trials Glyphosate Alternative
Council, in conjunction with Nelmac Marlborough Ltd, is set to begin trialling a new organic alternative to glyphosate in its maintenance of central Blenheim’s street plots and gardens.
A non-toxic, pine-based organic herbicide will be trialled over the next three months to determine its effectiveness. The oil will be sprayed on to weeds outside areas including the Clubs of Marlborough and the Blenheim I-SITE, as well as other open spaces in Blenheim’s CBD.
Parks and Open Spaces Manager Jane Tito said people may notice a slightly different smell as a result of using the pine-based oil.
“We will be closely monitoring the trial which will run until June 2020. During this time we welcome feedback from the community,” Ms Tito said.
The trial of the pine-based oil excludes Seymour Square and Pollard Park.
“Council’s in-house gardening team have tended to these gardens by hand for the past 15 years. Hand weeding and largely organic weed and pest management control has been a long standing maintenance method applied to these two premier parks,” Ms Tito said.
At today’s Assets and Services Committee, Councillors requested staff undertake further work at Seymour Square to try to eliminate the current use of one litre of glyphosate annually, making Seymour Square Marlborough’s first glyphosate-free open space.
If anyone has any feedback on the trial they can contact Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Team, Ph: 03 520 7400.