Council Preparing For Possible Easing Of Lockdown Restrictions
Hastings District Council is urging the community to continue to be strict and adhere to the government’s rules for COVID-19. The Prime Minister has outlined the detail relating to Alert Level 3 and the announcement on lifting from Level 4 will be made on Monday.
Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst thanked the Hastings community for the great effort everyone is making to stay in their bubbles during Level 4, which has contributed to the nation’s efforts to eliminate the virus.
“Our community has been amazing, putting their lives on hold to help keep the transmission of COVID-19 under control. This has helped us to be in a position when some of the restrictions may be eased. We want to make sure all this good work continues so we can return to ‘normality’ before too long”.
Although the government’s guidance on Alert Level 3 appeared to be not too different from Level 4, for council services, a move to Level 3 will allow for minor changes to its operations.
“We are pleased to see the easing on the rules for funerals and tangi now allowing up to 10 people to attend a funeral. This would give the immediate family a chance to farewell their loved ones which under Level 4 is not possible,” said Mrs Hazlehurst.
Under Level 3 council can also continue to deliver its capital projects with its partners, including the drinking water infrastructure upgrade programme.
The additional guidance on Level’s 2 and 1 has also allowed Hastings District Council to plan in greater detail for future easing of restrictions, however Mrs Hazlehurst reinforced that council would closely take guidance from government and the Ministry of Health before resuming operations.
“We understand that our community is keen to once again enjoy our playgrounds, libraries, art galleries, sport and community centres as soon as they can. These places are important to our community but moving too quickly to reopen our community places could jeopardise the great effort everyone has made under Level 4.
“We ask that you all continue to stay home in your bubble, while we continue to plan for Level 3 and beyond.”