Last Chance To Have Your Say On Annual Plan
This week is the last chance to make a submission on Horowhenua District Council’s Annual Plan, with consultation closing at 5pm on Friday 24 April.
Council is seeking public feedback on a splash pad for Levin’s Jubilee Park and early public input into its Long Term Plan 2021-2041, which it will begin developing later this year.
The Annual Plan also contains important financial information, such as proposed rates for the 2020/2021 financial year, and highlights the key projects Council plans to undertake for that year.
Strategic Planner Tiffany Gower said there has been strong interest so far, with 70 submissions and high engagement with social media posts.
“We’re pleased with the response so far. The COVID-19 lockdown meant we had to change the way we engaged with our community. In addition to online engagement, elected members have contacted community and ratepayer groups by telephone, and we’ve done radio advertising and distributed a flyer to every household throughout the district,” she said.
“If you haven’t yet read the consultation document, ‘What’s Our Plan 2020/2021’, and had your say, there’s still time.”
How to have your say:
Submissions on the Consultation Document, ‘What’s Our Plan 2020/2021’, are welcome until 5pm on Friday 24 April 2020.
· The Consultation Document - What’s Our Plan 2020/2021, and the supporting information (i.e. Draft Annual Plan) can be found at
· You can provide feedback by filling in the submission form at
· You can check your proposed rates on Council’s website at
If you do not have access to the internet but would like to submit on the Annual Plan 2020/2021, please contact Council on 06 366 0999.
Further information:
For more information, please visit