Council Re-establishing All Services For Alert Level 1
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 8 June that Aotearoa will be moving to COVID-19 Alert Level 1 at midnight, officers are working to re-establish full services across our facilities.
Below is a list of activities and services and how they will be operating in Alert Level 1.
Council is aiming to have the QR code displayed at our facilities to assist with tracking.
We are asking the community to continue to follow the Golden Rules for Alert Level 1 as follow:
- If you’re stick, stay home.
- If you have cold or flu-like symptoms, call your doctor or healthline. Get tested
- Wash your hands
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow and regularly clean shared surfaces
- You must self-isolate if you’re told by officials to do so.
- Stay healthy, work with your FP if you have underlying health issues.
- Keep track of where you’ve been.
- Businesses help people track movements by displaying the QR code
- Stay vigilant.
- Be kind to others and be kind to yourself.
Thank you for your efforts, support and patience over the past few months as we have all united against COVID-19 and I know we will continue to unite as we recover from this pandemic.