Have Your Say: ComVoices Covid-19 And State Of The Sector Survey 2020
Community and voluntary organisations are urged to take part in the biennial ComVoices State of the Sector survey.
The survey provides vital information about the wellbeing of our community organisations which then helps ComVoices advocate effectively on your behalf. We could not have begun to imagine what has transpired over the last few months. Covid-19 has meant new ways of working and changed the landscape for our community organisations.
“We are keen to see what has changed in the past two years and the impact of Covid-19. How are community organisations faring and what might that mean for the people of New Zealand?” says ComVoices chair Chris Glaudel.
In an election year it’s more important than ever that politicians and decision-makers understand the value of the work we do for community around New Zealand.
The 2020 ‘State of the Sector’ report will include comparative data from earlier surveys and a commentary on current issues and trends facing the sector.
ComVoices invites all community sector organisations to add their voice to the survey, which can be accessed via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ComVoicesSurvey
The survey will close 5pm, 20 July 2020.