Plenty Of Opportunity For Community Input Into Future Of Ohakune Planning Process
People wanting to have input into the development of the Future of Ohakune plan are being encouraged to attend the Community Hui in the Ayr Street Council Chambers starting at 6pm on Wednesday 5 August.
Mayor Don Cameron said that the first part of the Hui will be an opportunity to hear from Annie Rolls Chairperson of the Future of Ohakune Governance Group about the project and the opportunities for engaging with the process.
"The Governance Group had received feedback that some people were concerned that decisions were being made behind closed doors with no opportunity for wide ranging community input.
Council has always said that each township’s revitalisation journey will be led by the individual communities and we wanted to use the Ohakune Hui to talk about the Future of Ohakune project and reinforce that community input is central to the process.”
Mrs Rolls added that she could assure people that the process has been specifically designed to capture a wide variety of views and perspectives.
“A Governance Group was formed to manage the overall project comprising Ohakune2000, Council, Ngati Rangi and the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board employed planning and design consultancy Boffa Miskell to help design a fit for purpose process for working with key stakeholder groups and the wider community.
Boffa Miskell has subsequently been leading discussions of a Project Steering Group made up of the Governance Group and industry representatives from farming, agriculture, forestry, commercial property investors, accommodation, retail, youth, the Ruapehu Whaanau Transformation Lead and Mana Whenua.
Developing a process around the best ways to engage with the community is one of the key features. At this stage nothing has been designed nor confirmed until the community has had their say,” she said.
“A community workshop is being planned where people can share their views, tell us what they want or don’t want, discuss ideas and help shape the Future of Ohakune plan.
In the interim anyone who wants to understand the planning process and how they can have a say should start with attending the Community Hui on the 5th August.”
Mayor Cameron said that for the remainder of the Hui Council will talk about their current work program, COVID recovery and provide an opportunity for people to ask questions or comment on any issues of interest or concern to them.
“We would specifically like to hear what people think the current big issues are including what Council should be focusing on over the next ten years as part of our 2021/2031 Long Term Plan,” he said.