Ask Your Local Board To Protect Trees
All Local Boards in Auckland are currently consulting on their 3 yearly Local Board Plans. These plans contain outcomes, objectives and key initiatives that will guide the work programme and investment for each Local Board for the next 3 years.
The Tree Council intends making submissions on all 21 of these plans to encourage Local Boards to take action to protect and enhance the tree cover in their area. It would be really helpful if you could also make a submission on your own Local Board Plan. The Local Boards are more likely to take action if they believe their local community is supportive.
The deadline
for submissions is Thursday 13 August.
You can
find your Local Board's draft plan and make a submission
We suggest that you read the outcomes and objectives proposed and find the one(s) most relevant to protecting trees. Then you could include some or all of the points below in your submission - and add your own suggestions as well of course.
Suggested submission points for Local Board Plans:
In addition to your proposed key initiatives we would like to see specific support, including financial support, for the following actions:
- Implementation of the Urban Ngāhere Strategy within the local board area to increase opportunities for new tree plantings and to protect and conserve the existing tree cover.
- Practical support and (for eg legal) advice for private landowners wishing to provide permanent protection for their trees.
- Grants for private landowners to maintain scheduled trees on their property.
- Provide permanent and visible physical labels for all scheduled trees in the local board area to enable the public to see that this tree is legally protected and special and prevent accidental removals.
- Practical support by Council staff for community groups undertaking work that contributes to these outcomes.