Council Services Continue With Safety Measures In Place As Horowhenua Enters Alert Level 2
Most Horowhenua District Council services and facilities will continue as Horowhenua enters Alert Level 2 from midday Wednesday 12 August, with additional precautions in place where necessary to protect public health and safety.
Following the Government announcement that community transmission of COVID-19 has been detected in Auckland, Horowhenua District Council Chief Executive David Clapperton said Council has been preparing for the possible return of community transmission of COVID-19.
“We have continued to take advice from the Ministry of Health and the National Emergency Management Agency since the pandemic began and have been working behind the scenes to plan ahead,” he said.
“We all hope this elevation in our alert level will be short-lived, and at this stage we’re proceeding with business as usual as much as possible. However, public health remains a priority and we have put additional measures in place to protect our community.
“Our staff will carry out contact tracing at all Council service centres, libraries and swimming pools, and restrictions will be in place to ensure safe physical distancing.
“In line with Government restrictions limiting gatherings to 100 people, some Council events may be cancelled, and we will be limiting the number of people who can enter our facilities at one time.
“All essential Council services will continue, and we have continuity plans in place to ensure we can continue to provide these services if the alert level increases.”
Mayor Bernie Wanden said Horowhenua will continue to play its part in the national effort against COVID-19 and encouraged people to heed Government advice to keep themselves and others safe.
“Please keep your distance from others in public and stay at home if you’re sick. If you haven’t yet downloaded the Government’s contact tracing app, please do so and use it to record where you’ve been so the information is ready if it’s needed.
“Above all, remember to be kind and support each other. This news will cause stress and anxiety for many of us, but our community has shown before that we have tremendous strength and resilience when we work together, and I know we can do that again.”
A table of Council services and facilities at Alert Level 2 is available on Council’s website at
For further information about the alert levels and the Government response to COVID-19, please visit
Activity | Services in Alert Level 2 |
Customer service contact centres | Council’s main office will be open normal hours, 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Restrictions will apply to ensure safe practice: · Customer details will be recorded for contact tracing · A time limit of two hours per visit applies · Social distancing will be maintained onsite · Toilets will be closed to the public · Please use sanitising stations provided, maintain physical distancing, and do not enter if you feel unwell If possible, please contact us by telephone on 06 366 0999 or email at in the first instance to help maintain safe physical distancing on site. We also have lots of services and information on our website, Our main Call Centre hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5pm, and 9:30am to 5pm on Wednesdays. All phone calls outside these hours will be answered by our Afterhours service. |
Rubbish and recycling services | All kerbside rubbish and recycling collections will continue. To find out when your next collection date is please visit Transfer stations are open to the public. Restrictions apply to ensure safe practice (i.e. no more than two vehicles in at a time, no cash payment available). Car registration numbers will be recorded for contact tracing purposes. Recycling stations in Levin, Foxton and Shannon, and mobile community recycling stations, will be open. |
Water supply, wastewater and stormwater services | These services will continue. |
Governance and decision making | Council and Committees of Council will continue to meet in person. Members of the public can view meetings of Council and the Finance, Audit and Risk Subcommittee on the Live Council Meetings page of Council’s website,, or attend meetings open to the public in person. Physical distancing and contact tracing requirements will be in place. |
Civil defence and emergency management | These services will continue. |
Parks, reserves, cemeteries, playgrounds and public toilets | Public toilets remain open, with increased cleaning services at high-use facilities. Parks, reserves, cemeteries, playgrounds and sportsgrounds are open. Please observe two metre physical distancing and hygiene precautions. Mowing and general maintenance continue. Litter bins will continue to be emptied. |
Library services | Libraries remain open. Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō will be open from 9am to 5:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; from 10am to 9pm on Wednesday; from 10am to 4pm on Saturday; and from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday. Youth Space will be closed. The Library Café at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō will remain open at Alert Level 2. Table service only. Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom will be open normal hours, 9am to 5pm on weekdays and 10am to 4pm on weekends. Shannon Library will be open normal hours: 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5pm, Monday to Fridays; 10am to 12 noon on Saturdays. Restrictions will apply to ensure safe practice: · Maximum of 100 people at one time to maintain safe physical distancing · Some programmes and resources may not be available · Customer details will be recorded on entry for contact tracing |
Swimming pools | Levin Aquatic Centre remains open, with normal operating hours 6am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Saturday, 8am to 5:30pm Sunday. Restrictions will apply to ensure safe practice: · Customer details will be recorded for contact tracing · Maximum of 100 people at one time to maintain safe physical distancing · A session-based programme will operate with limited times for lane swimming and aqua-jogging Streamline Swim School and most fitness classes will continue, with restrictions in place for safe practice. For more information, please visit Foxton Heated Pools will remain closed for winter until September. |
Community centres | Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō and Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom remain open. Youth Space at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō will be closed to the public. Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō will be open from 9am to 5:30pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; from 10am to 9pm on Wednesday; from 10am to 4pm on Saturday; and from 1pm to 4pm on Sunday. The Library Café at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō will remain open at Alert Level 2. Table service only. AA and i-SITE services remain unchanged. Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom will be open normal hours, 9am to 5pm on weekdays and 10am to 4pm on weekends. Shannon Library will be open normal hours: 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5pm, Monday to Fridays; 10am to 12 noon on Saturdays. Restrictions will apply to both community centres to ensure safe practice: · Maximum of 100 people at one time to maintain safe physical distancing · Some programmes and resources may not be available · Customer details will be recorded on entry for contact tracing |
Animal control | Animal control will continue to respond to all calls. The dog pound is closed to the public but remains operational. Please keep your dogs on their leash when out walking them. |
Planning (resource) consents | We are continuing to process resource consents and carry out site visits as normal, with enhanced contact tracing and physical distancing measures in place. For enquiries, contact Council on 06 366 0999 or |
Regulatory, Licensing and Compliance | We are continuing to process licence applications and renewals and carry out inspections as normal, with enhanced contact tracing and physical distancing measures in place. For enquiries, contact Council on 06 366 0999 or |
Building consents | We are continuing to process building consents and carry out inspections as normal, with enhanced contact tracing and physical distancing measures in place. To book an inspection call 06 366 0927. For general enquiries please call 06 366 0999 or email |
Noise control | We are continuing to receive and respond to noise control complaints 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. |
Roading services | Routine road maintenance and roading projects continue. |
Parking | Parking services continue to operate as normal. If you have parking compliance complaints please contact Council on 06 366 0999 or |
Strategic planning | You can still contact us by email or phone to discuss our current consultations. Email or telephone 06 366 0999. We are continuing to make arrangements for our currently scheduled consultation events to occur in a safe way. |
Finance | You can still contact us to discuss any enquiries you have about Council financial matters on 06 366 0999.For enquiries about rates invoices, payments, rebates or if you are experiencing hardship please contact Council by emailing, or calling 06 366 0999 so we can help you. |
Information management services | Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA), Land Information Memorandum (LIM) and Property File requests are continuing to be processed. Details for submitting these requests are available on our website. |