Have Your Say On The Victoria Domain Reserves Management Plan
The Victoria Domain Reserves in Waitohi/Picton and Waikawa provide a wide range of recreational activities and have significant natural, cultural and historic values. The Reserves offer ridgeline tracks for walkers and cyclists and a lower track that connects the Picton and Waikawa marinas.
A new draft reserve management plan has been prepared replacing the last one, adopted by Council in 1995. The Reserves are of great significance to local Iwi and Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust and the Council have been working together to prepare the new plan since late 2017. Input was also sought from community groups and the public, who provided feedback in 2018.
The new draft management plan includes an overall vision where the Reserves “…are treasured as a place for recreation whilst natural, cultural and historical values are respected and responsibly enhanced and protected.” Objectives, policies and key actions are included to support achieving this vision.
Deputy Mayor Nadine Taylor says the Victoria Domain Reserves are a special place enjoyed by thousands of locals and visitors each year.
“The management plan needs to reflect what people value about the many reserves that make up Victoria Domain, and we need to find the right balance between recreational use and natural, historic and cultural values. Public participation and input is really important so we can get that balance right.”
“Given it’s a busy time for people in the run up to Christmas, the submission deadline has been pushed out to 5pm on 15 January 2021. This will give everyone a good chance to have their say.”
The new draft management plan can be viewed online at https://www.marlborough.govt.nz/recreation/parks-and-open-spaces/parks-and-open-spaces-plans-and-reports/victoria-domain
or pick up a copy from Council’s offices in Blenheim or Picton.
In accordance with Section 41(6) (a) of the Reserves Act 1977 submissions are invited on any aspect of the Draft Victoria Domain Reserves Management Plan. Submissions can be lodged from Thursday 24 September via an online form at https://www.marlborough.govt.nz/your-council/have-your-sayconsultations
You can also email victoriadomainreview@marlborough.govt.nz or pick up a submission form from the Council’s offices in Blenheim or Picton.