Engaging With Community For Mohaka Catchment Plan
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is getting ready to engage with the Mohaka community to develop a plan to manage land and freshwater in the Mohaka catchment.
"Ngāti Pahauwera Iwi will lead the co-designing process with Regional Council staff, and that will provide opportunity for the whole Mohaka River community to get behind it," says Co-Chair of the Regional Planning Committee Joinella Maihi-Carroll.
“We’re using a co-designed planning process to secure a healthy river system for the future, and continue to provide for our communities,” says Ms Maihi-Carroll, who also represents Mana Ahuriri.
“This can be one of the first catchment plans prepared in Hawke’s Bay that actively involves iwi in the plan development and gives effect to Te Mana o te Wai,” she adds.
“This mahi started ten years ago, focusing on the Taharua sub-catchment. Over that time, we’ve seen great progress and built strong relationships with Mohaka iwi and the Taharua community. We are excited to build relationships with the wider community to ultimately deliver better environmental outcomes.”
Engagement with the wider community will get underway soon, says Regional Council senior policy planner Dale Meredith.
“As we start engaging we’ll build our understanding of both iwi and the community’s aspirations and concerns for the Mohaka catchment. Community input is critical as we develop the plan and a pathway to deliver the outcomes that the community want,” says Ms Meredith.
A plan change is required under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 for freshwater and land management, and must be notified before the end of 2024.

The plan for the Mohaka River catchment will preserve its unique values, working with the local community to identify and confirm these.