Local Young People Gain Gold Awards
On 18 November 124 recipients will be presented with their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award (the Award) by The Rt Hon Dame Patsy Reddy at a ceremony in Auckland. Recipients are mostly from the Greater Auckland and Northland region – a full list of recipients is attached.
Qualification for a Gold Award indicates a high level of commitment by participants and the Award Ceremony is a formal and public acknowledgement of this achievement.
Participants gain a wide range of hands-on skills throughout their Award journey which equips them to thrive in our constantly changing world. The Award requires them to regularly help people in the community, get fitter through any form of physical exercise, learn a new skill and go on an adventurous journey in the outdoors.
Karen Ross, National Director for the Award, is really looking forward to the ceremony. “After a very challenging year, we’re delighted that we are able to gather in Auckland to celebrate the achievement of these young people”.
“It’s been inspiring to see our Award participants find creative ways of completing their Award, despite the many changes COVID-19 has bought this year. Many chose to help the vulnerable in their community during lockdown and forged amazing inter-generational friendships”, ends Karen.
The programme was founded in 1956 by HRH Prince Philip, Kurt Hahn, a German educationalist, and Lord Hunt, leader of the first successful ascent of Everest. It has been operating in New Zealand since 1963 and is open to anyone between the ages of 14-24 years.
The ceremony details are as follows:
Venue: Vodafone Events Centre, Auckland
Date: 4pm, Wednesday 18 November 2020
Comments from recipients -
ACG Parnell College - Kabilan Kathiravel
The commitment that the Duke of Edinburgh's Award entailed provided me with plenty of challenge. It helped me to learn essential life skills and get outside my comfort zone while having fun, meeting incredible people and leaving memories that will stick with me for life.
Auckland Challenge Home School Group - Olivia Croad
I learnt so many valuable life skills through completing the Award and made some great new friends. The Award taught me the value of perseverance.
King’s College - Joel Alexander
The Award provided me with the necessary motivation and structure to push me towards becoming more adaptable and trying more activities than I may have done without it. It also gave me the opportunity to meet new people and grow closer bonds with those around me.
Otamatea High School - Elizabeth Easterbrook
I loved being able to meet a wide range of people through my activities. I have also been able to grow my interpersonal skills through my involvement in a wide range of activities and exposure to different environments which has helped me transition into a young adult.