Time Ticking To Submit On Victoria Domain Plan
The public have until mid-January to comment on the new draft reserve management plan for Victoria Domain, a popular recreation area between Picton Harbour and Waikawa Bay.
“Submissions close 15 January 2021 and to date only a handful have been received,” said Marlborough District Councillor Nadine Taylor.
This is phase two of the review process which began in late 2017 through meetings held with a wide range of user groups. The Council also contracted Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust to partner in preparing the new plan given its importance for the local iwi.
These meetings provided an understanding of the way Victoria Domain is used, how different groups value the space and what their future aspirations are for the area. “We recognise this is a highly valued area to a wide range of users. I encourage people to share their views. This is your chance to have your say as to how Victoria Domain should be managed,” said Clr Taylor.
The more well-known parts of the reserve include Victoria Domain itself, Endeavour Park, Shelly Beach, Bobs Bay and Memorial Park but the whole area is approximately 222 hectares.
Find a copy of the Draft Victoria Domain Reserve Management Plan here: https://bit.ly/3ll6SG3
The public can make a submission here: https://bit.ly/2Jo5kxJ