Kahurangi Tariana Turia: He Kura Tangihia, He Maimai Aroha
Tērā te kokomea i te hauāuru
Papaki kau ana ngā ngaru ki te takutai moana
Kōripo ngā wai o Te Awa Tupua, he waikamo tīehuehu
Ko te toenetanga o te rā ki tōna rua
He māia mātātoa ka riro nei ki te huinga o te kahurangi
Haere, e kui, okioki mai rā
Ki te āhuru mōwai rokiroki o tō rārangi mātua
Kei te waro hunanga o te pō e
Whakaata Māori acknowledges the passing of Kahurangi Tariana Turia (Ngāti Apa, Ngā Wairiki, Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Whanganui), a respected leader whose dedication to the wellbeing of whānau, hapū, and iwi has left an enduring legacy. Her commitment to the revitalisation of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori enriched the lives of many and continues to inspire efforts to preserve and celebrate Māori identity and values.
Whakaata Māori is honoured to livestream the whaikōrero, waiata, haka, and tikanga that will unfold with heartfelt tributes from the multitudes that gather to pay their respects to Kahurangi Tariana Turia at the tangihanga at Whangaehu Marae, starting tomorrow and continuing over the next three days.
The livestream will be available on MĀORI+, TeAoNews.co.nz, and broadcast live on Te Reo Channel (Freeview channel 10, Sky channel 82) from Saturday 4 January, 8.55am – timing subject to change.